Monday, August 31, 2009

Exploring Granada and Trip to Ronda

Pictures from Ronda:
(above): El toro!

Me in Ronda. Behind me is the beautiful city.

Me in Ronda looking down on the surrounding area.

Me at the entrance to La Plaza de Toros. They actually still have bull fights here!

Me in the center of La Plaza de Toros. Cool!
Pictures of Granada:

La Alhambra from far away.


Our room at Ana's apartment. We are on the fifth floor.

A fountain in Granada. They have fountains everywhere!

Earlier last week I got to explore Granada a little bit more! As part of our class, one of the professors (Alfonso) took us around Granada and showed us the historic neighborhood of Realejo and we also could see La Alhambra from far away (it's the castle of the Moors when they controlled Granada). It is such a beautiful city.
On Saturday we went to Ronda, a small town about three hours from Granada. We were given a tour of El Plaza de Toros and also had some free time. We explored a garden and the mine where the water source for the town used to be kept and guarded. It was really cool.
The weather here is really hot!! But we are well fed and there are ice cream shops on pretty much every corner! Libby and I always have long conversations with Ana. She is amazing and very catholic (which is really typical in Spain). She has great insight and knowledge to share with us. I enjoy our conversations. She even corrects our grammer and helps us with our pronunciation (which I need)!

We had a practice placement test today and tomorrow we have our placement test for the intensive spanish course. It was hard! So mucho studying needs to be done! I am a little rusty but it is all coming back quickly!

This week is pretty much just class and of course free time to go get tapas! Next saturday Libby and I and some other people are planning on going to Salobrena, which is a beach really close to Granada. It's on the Mediterranean coast! I am super excited!

I hope you enjoy the pictures!


1 comment:

  1. Everything looks beautiful! Buenos suerte con tu examen! I can't wait to hear about the beach too! <3 Taylor
