Wednesday, August 19, 2009

2 Days Until Take Off!


Ok so only two days until I leave and there is still major packing to be done. I'm sure you don't want to hear about my packing woes so I thought before I left I would take some time to write down in detail what I going to be doing in Spain.

I fly out of PDX early Friday morning and get into Newark in the late afternoon. After a four hour layover I am off to Madrid! We (as in my three friends and I) get into Madrid at about 11 AM on Saturday. Losing those 8 hours won't be fun but that's travelling for you!

We are staying in a hostel in Madrid for two nights so that we can get used to the time change and to get into the groove of Spain! Then on Monday we are taking a bus down to Granada (about a 5 hour bus ride). We are staying in another hostel in Granada because we aren't suppossed to arrive at our host familiy's house until Tuesday afternoon.

Once we arrive at our homestay, the very next day (Wednesday) is orientation. Beyond that I really don't have a clue what we are doing. I know we will be starting a one month intensive Spanish course and then we will start taking normal classes similar to the schedule at UP. We are also going on excursions to Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla and some others that I can't remember at the moment. All of the classes will be in Spanish but about different subjects. I signed up for Art History, Politics of Spain and some other ones. I am not sure what classes I will get placed in just yet.

Well, that is the plan for the first leg of my adventure. I will keep you updated on the rest of my time in Spain as I experience it!


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