Thursday, September 3, 2009

And the Classes Begin

Sacramonte, an antique Arab section of Granda.

Me in The Archaeological Museum with The Alhambra behind me!

At The Archeaological Museum with some ancient pottery from The Bronze Age.

Me with a statue in The Archaeological Museum.

Me with Sole, Ana's granddaughter.

So the last time I wrote I told you about the placement exam we had to take. Well it's over and wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I am right where I should be. Today we started El Intensivo, which is an intensive Spanish class that lasts for four hours every morning for the rest of the month. Whew! But the first one went well. We have two professors for the class so they each teach half of it. We get a break in between and the time actually went by quicker than I expected! We just did ice breaker stuff today and other activities to get us talking and listening to Spanish. My professor said that we will be reviewing the past tenses and subjunctive in the class, which are the parts I need the most practice in, so I feel pretty good about the class so far. Once the intensive class is over we will begin regular classes. If things keep going well I will get to choose two classes to take starting in October besides the required Culture class (which actually started last week), and another class focused on writing, speaking, and comprehending Spanish. So that's the run down on all the technical stuff that I am actually here to learn! But there is fun stuff too :)
Yesterday we went on another walk with Alfonso around Granda. This time we went to the ancient neighborhood of Sacramonte, the Archaeological Museum, and an ancient Arab bathrooom. The bathroom was actually a place of congregation where people would gather to converse. A little odd but ok! The museum was cool, lots of old pottery and statues, and Sacramonte is beautiful! And there is an amazing view of the rest of Granada from Sacramonte because it is situated high up. This is because when the Arabs controlled Granda many years ago they built their town up high for defensive purposes so that they could see all around them.
Ana's (my host mom's) grandchildren were over for lunch and dinner the other day! They are so cute. Juan Antonio is the oldest, he is six. Sole is the youngest and she is three. They are precious and talk a mile a minute! I understood them for the most part. Sole really lached onto Libby and I and would come into our room to color while we were working on homework. She had a couple of phrases that she said all of the time (she is quite the outgoing and headstrong little girl): damelo (give it to me), ven aqui (come here), and abuela (grandma). I would hear her little voice in the house yelling "Abuela, abuela! Ven aqui" It's quite entertaining!
On Saturday some friends and I are going to Nerja. It's a beautiful town along the Mediterranean coast. According to Ana (my host mom) and other people, it's one of the places you have to go see in the south of Spain. So we are going! It's about a two hour bus ride there and back, so not too far. And it has a beach! Yeah! I will tell you all about it and post pictures of course next week.
I can't believe how fast the time has flow. It has already been almost two weeks since I left the states. I have already had some great adventures and learned a lot! I am so excited for what is to come!
Hasta Luego,


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the test went well and that classes are great too! Sounds like you're having a wonderful time and I can't wait to hear about the beach trip!! xoxo - Taylor
