Saturday, August 22, 2009

In Madrid!

Hello again!

I am in Madrid! The journey here was a little rough including a rerouted plane and a few hours wait for luggage but all in all it turned out just fine. I am very jetlagged and tired. But it is almost evening here now so I get to sleep soon! We are at our hostel in Madrid. It's very cool and there are a lot of young people around. We are just relaxing today but will probably explore the city tomorrow (Sunday--it's a little confusing cause Madrid is 9 hours ahead of PDX time). Then on Monday we are still on for bussing down to Granada. Hopefully that will go more smoothly than the journey here! It was a little rough. I will be bringing you more stories and and some pictures soon. Once we actually start to see the city and not just the airports it will get more exciting.

More soon,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Annie:

    How exciting for you! I've never even seen a Euro. Are the locals generally friendly? How's you Spanish holding up? Emily is now interested in studying abroad.

    Have fun!

    Aunt Marilyn
