Sunday, August 23, 2009

Madrid: Day 2

Libby and I at the Plaza Major.

Me in front of the Spanish Flags in the Plaza Major.

Me in front of the statue at Plaza Major.

A famous statue in Madrid (I really don't know what it's called but Kathryn said it's really famous!)

Me with my first cup of Spanish coffee! It was sooo good! Cafe con leche!

So the first day in Spain was spent relaxing and eating. We slept a lot so I am much less jetlagged now! Today we walked around Spain. Our hostel is right in the heart of Madrid so we can walk everywhere. We went to La Plaza Mayor, el Mercado de San Miguel y el Supermercado. I successfully bought food with euros! Hace mucho calor hoy (It is very hot today!) So we were super toasty while walking around. It's very pretty here and a lot different from the cities in the states. The streets are much more narrow and there are not nearly as many cars as here. It is actually quite nice. Many of the smaller streets are cobblestones and the houses and buildings are all tall. Most everyone lives in apartments. Tomorrow (Monday) we are headed to Granada! I am very excited about finally getting to our host family and settling in. The first couple of days will just be orientation and such. I will post more when I get to Granada.

Since pictures are better than words I posted some pictures from the day in Madrid! Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you guys are having a great time! Love the pictures! Can't wait to hear more! Eat some yummy food for me too! :)
