Friday, August 28, 2009

Settled in At Last

Hello All!

I am moved into my host family´s house tuesday afternoon and started classes and orientation the next day. I have explored Granada a little and it is beautiful! On Saturday our group is going to Ronda, a small town near Granada that is known for it´s Plaza de Toros (Bull Plaza where the bull fighting takes place). I don´t have access to the internet in my house so I have to use it at the school, so my posts will probably be less frequent. I hope to put up pictures and more details early next week so you can see the city of Granada. It´s magnificent!
My host mother is phenomenal. She is a great cook and is super motherly. It´s just Libby and I in the apartment with her. We are about a 10 minutes walk to the school and are super close to everything! My first class is going well. It is the culture of Spain class so we are learning about Spain´s history and geography. We haven´t started the intensive Spanish course yet, but we will once September begins. In the beginning of October we will finish the intensive course and begin the other classes (which I haven´t signed up for yet). In the middle of November we will take the DELE exam which is an exam to gain status as a fluent Spanish speaker.
We also found out where we are going to be travelling! Besides Ronda we also are going to Cordoba, Sevilla, Segovia, Toledo, and Madrid. I am planning on going to the beach of the Mediterranean which is only an hour away from Granada one weekend. During our six day break at the beginning of October I want to travel to the north part of Spain. Either Barcelona or Santiago de Compostello. I am super excited to see more of Spain and to improve my Spanish!
I miss you all and hope everything is good back in Portland!

Hasta luego,

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're having a good time! I'm so glad you have a good host mother. I look forward to hearing more of your stories and seeing pictures! :)
