Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sierra Nevadas, Albaycin and My 20th Birthday!

Me on my birthday with ice cream! Yum!

The beautiful Albaycin neighborhood.

Me with the view of La Alhambra from the Albaycin neighborhood.

Me, Libby and Kailey in the Sierra Nevadas. It sort of looks like we are flying!

Me in the Sierra Nevadas.

Me at the top of our hike!

Most of the gang at the Sierra Nevadas.

Hola Mis Amigos!!
Much has happened since I last wrote including a four hour hike up a mountain, thunderstorms, amazing views, and a celebration. But I am getting ahead of myself!

Earlier this week I took a walk with my school group into Albaycin, which is a beautiful ancient neighborhood in Granada. There are so many beautiful places to see in Granada with amazing views. This neightborhood used to be an ancient arab neighborhood back when the arabs controlled Granda. It is really awesome cause they have kept the new buildings in the same style and there is a gorgeous plaza at the top that looks out of La Alhambra (ps I get to visit La Alhambra next monday!). At night La Alhambra is lit up with lights. I really want to go up there at night to see that view! Gosh everything I see here is beyond amazing.
On Saturday some friends and I went to the Sierra Nevadas. It was quite the adventure. Our bus broke down on the way up the mountain so we had to hang out and wait for about an hour while they sent another bus up! It was fine though cause we played silly games and made new friends with Spainairds and another guy who is from Seattle. What a small world! After we finally made it to the mountain we hiked up the steep incline to reach the summit. It was sunny in the morning, but it started getting cloudy in the afternoon and cold. We weren't prepared for the cold weather so we didn't go all the way to the top of the mountain. It would have been frigid! It did start hailing on us a little when we were making our way down!! It was tons of fun but the bext day I was tired and sore!! And my new tennis shoes are no longer white...I guess it was only a matter of time!
Here in Granada fall weather has finally begun. It cooled down considerably this weekend and actually rained on Sunday. Today it is thundering and raining off and on. It reminds me of Portland :)

On Saturday we went to a carnival--yes there was a carnival in the middle of Granada! Lots of food venders, clothing and jewelry venders and of course rides! We went around and listened to the music and browsed the items for sale. There were some funny rides and interesting people. It kinda reminded me of Saturday Market...same atmosphere and fun!
So on Monday it was my birthday. I had class most of the day, but at night my friends and I went out for ice cream and hung out! It was a lot of fun. I have met some really awesome people here and they made my birthday special.

This weekend I am going to Cordoba with my group. We have a week break at the beginning of October and some friends and I ar going to the Basque Country--to San Sebastian and Bilbao.

I miss you and hope all is well!


1 comment:

  1. What an awesome way to spend your birthday! I can't believe you're 20!!! Way to usher it in for the rest of us :) Can't wait to hear about your trip to Cordoba!!
