Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cordoba and La Alhambra

Me at the top of La Alhambra looking out over the city.

La Alhambra

La Alhambra

La Mezquita in Cordoba.

La Mezquita in Cordoba.

La Mezquita in Cordoba.

A statue of Christopher Columbus with the Catholic Kings in the Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos.

Me in the beautiful gardens in La Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos.

S0 this week is the last week of my intensive Spanish class. Yay! Next week we take the test for that class and a test for my culture class and then I am on break! Break starts next Thursday the 1st of October. I am going to Pais Vasco with some friends. I am pretty sure I already mentioned it but now it's right around the corner. This week will consist of studying for my tests, recovering from my cold and going to a bull fight on Sunday. Yes, on Sunday I am going to a bull fight at La Plaza de Toros in Granada. I am not super excited for the blood and cruelty of it, but I am excited to go for the experience. I will tell you all about it in my next post!
On Sunday I went to Cordoba with my group. It was really neat. We started the day with some free time so I went to La Alcazar de los Reyes Cristianos, which is basically a fancy house with lots of beautiful gardens. Later we went to La Mezquita/Catedral. It is a beautiful amazing cathedral/mosque that was built a long time ago! Then we got to experience what it would be like to hang out in an ancient arab bathroom. It was super cool. There were three rooms: one with a cold pool, one with a temperate pool and the other with a hot tub! And we got a massage!! It was super relaxing and lots of fun and the massage was super!
Yesterday (Monday), I went with my group to La Alhambra. If you don't remember La Alhambra is the ancient arab castle in Granada. Since it has been restored and such. We were given a tour of it by Alfonso, one of our professors. It was really beautiful.
Well, I am off to study for my two tests! I will keep you updated about all the exciting events to come!



  1. Good luck with your test! I'm sure you'll do great. I can't believe you have a break coming up so soon--I haven't even started classes yet!
    I love your pictures! :)

  2. Echoing Bryony's message - good luck with your tests! and have so much fun on your break! This bull fight sounds pretty exciting - can't wait to hear about that too!
