Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cadiz y Jerez: Last Adventure in Spain

Me, Chris and Kathryn at the top of the tower of the Cathedral in Cadiz looking out over the Atlantic Ocean.

Kathryn, Chris and I at sunset in Cadiz looking over the Atlantic Ocean.

Me at the beach in Cadiz. Yes, in December!

The group: Chris, me, Kathryn and Kyle--hanging out at the beach in Cadiz.

Me with our completed and AMAZING pumpkin pie. It's as happy as I am!


Over the weekend I went to Cádiz and Jerez with some good friends of mine. We had a five day weekend because of holidays in Spain on Monday and Tuesday. Cádiz is a beautiful little town, basically surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, in southern Spain on the western coast. Even though it was December, it was still t-shirt weather and the sun was shining! Since my friends and I were renting an apartment for the weekend we did all our own cooking, which was really fun! And of course, as promised we made pumpkin pie! We experimented and made a gram-cracker crust, which ended up turning out really good! We also walked around the city; it’s small so we pretty much saw most of it. We also took a walk along the boardwalk looking out over the Atlantic Ocean and of course we walked on the beach.

On Sunday we took a day trip to Jerez, which is about 40 minutes from Cádiz. Jerez is known for its winery’s, which we saw everywhere, and has a beautiful Cathedral. We found an outdoor market that was more like a garage sale. There was a ton of stuff that looked like people had just grabbed it out of their house to sell!! But there were some gems among the rubble. I found a pretty pair of earrings for myself and my friend Chris found some very cool sand drawings.

Needless to say, it was a very relaxing and fun weekend with friends. Now I am in the final stretch of this Spain adventure. This week is the last week of classes and next week is finals. In less than 2 weeks I will be back in the states. The time here has flown by!! I cannot believe that it is almost over. It has been such a great experience.

I won’t have any more adventures to write about but I will blog another time or two about my last week and a half here in Spain and of course about arriving home! I miss you all and I cannot wait to see you when I return.
10 days and counting!


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