Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving in Granada

Tortilla Espanola!!

Me with my host mom Ana making Spanish Tortilla.

Pumpkin soup at our Thanksgiving dinner.

The desert for Thanksgiving: apple pie, cheesecake and tiramisu.

The Thanksgiving meal main dish: turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing and of course gravy!

Me at Thanksgiving with my pumpkin soup! Yum!

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

Obviously I celebrated the holiday in Spain (where it doesn’t actually exist) with my friends. We had found a restaurant that has a sort of traditional American Thanksgiving dinner. It was actually pretty good! We had a starter plate (that didn’t have anything to do with Thanksgiving), but then they gave us pumpkin soup and turkey with stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy. There was also big bowls of cooked vegetables to share. For desert we each got a sampler plate with apple pie, cheesecake and tiramisu. Overall it was really good, except for the fact that there was no pumpkin pie. It is impossible to find it here! However, my friend Chris’s parents brought him two cans of pumpkin when they visited. So next weekend when Chris, Kathryn, Kyle and I go to Cádiz we are going to make pumpkin pie!!

Next weekend (the 4th through the 8th) is a holiday weekend. We don’t have school Friday, Monday or Tuesday so we are going to Cádiz for these days. Cádiz is a beautiful small town on the western coast of Spain. We found an apartment to rent for really cheap (since it is off season for travelling) with a kitchen and everything! Perfect for pie making!! It even has a hot tub! Pretty fancy for what we are paying for it! It should be a fun and relaxing trip, my last trip outside of Granada before coming home.

After the Cadiz trip, we have one last week of classes and then finals the week after that. After finals, I leave (December 19th)! So soon! I am ready to leave but it will be sad leaving Granada and my host mom. We have become very close over these past months. She is a sweetheart and I will miss her dearly.
Speaking of Ana, on Friday last week Ana taught me and Libby how to make Spanish Tortilla! The ingredients are potatoes, onions and eggs. Very simple but it’s a little more difficult than I expected. You literally have to flip the big mixture of potatoes and eggs! Ana made it look effortless but I am sure the first time I make it I won’t have as much luck! But I am planning on making it when I come home. So be prepared for some authentic Spanish food! I am looking forward to food at home (burgers, macaroni and cheese, bacon and eggs, tacos/burritos, steak and bagels with cream cheese--Mom are you taking note??).

I will write again next week after I get back from Cadiz. After that my life will be consumed with packing, studying for finals and classes. Not that interesting. I will most definitely need to sit on my suitcase to close it! After four months here I have accumulated lots of stuff (mostly presents for family, friends and of course myself). I can’t wait to see you all and hear from you when I come back.

18 days and counting


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