Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pais Vasco (Basque Country): San Sebastian and Bilbao

Me in Bilbao looking out over part of the Guggenheim Museum and a cool spider sculpture.

The flower dog in front of the Guggenheim Musum.

One of the millions of cool sailboats in San Sebastian.

One of the phenomenal views of San Sebastian and the Canatbria Sea.

Me on a boat in the Cantabria Sea.

The sea crashing onto the rocks.

The group overlooking San Sebastain.

Me overlooking San Sebastian.

Me in front of the marina with all of the sailboats.

Me at the beach!

Hello All,

This has been a whirlwind couple of weeks. After my exams I went to Pais Vasco (in Northern Spain) to the cities of San Sebastian and Bilbao. San Sebastian is probably the prettiest coastal city I have ever been too. The rolling green hills covered in trees serve as an Ireland-like background to the white sandy beaches and blue, blue sea. The city sits on the coast of the Cantabria Sea, which seems to go on forever. The weather was beautiful for most of the days and I even spent an afternoon sunbathing on the beach, in October! Crazy! We hiked up to a few viewpoints to see the entire city and surrounding area. It was a view I will always remember and was so beautiful I had to take about a million pictures! We also went on a boat ride out into the Cantabria Sea--it was really cool! The boat undulated a lot because it was almost like the ocean! The waves were big! There were sailboats everywhere: in the marina, anchored in the inlet and even out in the sea. Again I took a million pictures of the sailboats (Dad: you would have loved it! There were so many really cool sailboats!) My friends and I stayed in a Pension, which is a really cheap hostal, in San Sebastian for five nights. One of the evenings, Kathryn and I went for a run along the boardwalk looking out over the beach and the sea. It was gorgeous and such an amazing feeling. The sun was setting among the clouds and I had just gone on an intense of the coolest feelings I have ever had.
For one of the days we took a day trip to Bilbao, which is another city in Pais Vasco about an hour away. In Bilbao is the famous Guggenheim museum. It was pretty cool--really modern--but the second floor was closed because it is the end of tourist season and they were changing exhibits (Tourist season normally runs until the end of September). But it was cool anyways. My favorite part was probably the huge dog made of flowers in front of the museum. I liked San Sebastian the best though because of the sea, the view and the beach! The beach makes everything better!

When we got back from Pais Vasco on Tuesday, we started classes the next day. I am taking the Spanish Culture class I have been taking from the beginning, POE (which is a Spanish speaking, writing and grammar class), Spanish Art from Baroque to present and Politics/Government of the European Union. I am pretty excited about all of the new classes, and I am happy because for POE I have Ana (she was my intensive professor and I really like her). I did well on my test for Intensivo and for Culture. Whew! No more tests for awhile now…yay!
To continue with my crazy schedule, early Friday morning I am leaving with Libby, Kathryn and Kailey for Valencia because we have a four day weekend. I am excited. Another fun adventure. We are taking a bus there and staying another Pension. I will write all about it when I get back next week!

After the trip to Valencia it's time to focus on classes for a few weeks. At the end of October into early November I am going to Madrid for about 5 days with the program. Then more school and maybe a few weekend trips here and there. Time is flying as usual...I can't believe it is already October. Yesterday we learned about some volunteer opportunities and I think I am going to help out at a school in Granada that teaches little kids English. I thought that would be fun to use my Spanish skills and my English ones too! Maybe it will inspire the teaching bone that is hidden somewhere in my body...who knows.
Anyways, I miss you all very much, but I am having a really good time.

More later,


1 comment:

  1. Yay! It sounds like you're having a great time! Have fun in Valencia! The volunteer opportunity sounds awesome!
